Request for Proposal
For Fee Accounting Services

The McKeesport Housing Authority (MHA) is issuing a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) for qualified firms to provide Fee Accounting Services. See Exhibit A for a detailed scope of work.

Obtaining the RFP

To obtain the RFP package, please contact Steve Bucklew at (412) 673-6942 ext. 102 or email There is no cost for requesting a package.


Any questions or requests for further information or clarification must be directed to Steve Bucklew in writing, either through US mail (please use certified mail) or email no later than 5:00 pm EST on March 28, 2025.

Submission Deadline

Sealed proposals, in accordance with conditions defined in the RFP, must be received via USPS Certified mail, overnight delivery services (UPS, Fed Ex, etc.) or hand delivered to the MHA Central Office no later than 4:00 pm EST on April 15, 2025 at the address below. All submissions will be date stamped upon receipt. No submittals will be accepted after this time. Faxed or emailed submittals will not be accepted. Please submit three (3) copies of the proposal, with the exception being the HUD #5369-C and Section 3 Certification forms, only one copy is needed of those forms. Women and Minority owned businesses are strongly encouraged to submit a proposal.

Submission Instructions

Submit a sealed proposal marked as follows:

Fee Accounting Services
Steve Bucklew c/o McKeesport Housing Authority
2901 Brownlee Avenue, 2nd Floor
McKeesport, PA 15132

No proposals shall be opened before the submission deadline. If a Firm has submitted a proposal in error, the original proposal may be picked up and resubmitted before the submission deadline. Submissions will not be publicly opened. It is the responsibility of the Firm to indicate which parts of the RFP are “confidential” or “proprietary,” as bid documents are considered public records, subject to inspection upon written request.


MHA expects to select the Firm that is best qualified to provide the services described in this RFP based upon the evaluation criteria set forth in the RFP. MHA reserves the right to waive any information or irregularities in submittals, or to reject any and/or all proposals. MHA may also award this contract to multiple firms who specialize in specific financial analyses requested herein.

<–Download and print the Fee Accounting Services Ad–>